Saturday, July 24, 2010


as a coach i'm often asked:
"what do you think of vibrams?"
"why dont you have vibrams?"
"what do you take pre/post wod?"

well here are a few of my recommendations, based on my experiences.

Progenex "Recovery" and "Growth"
i've been taking these two products for about a month now and HIGHLY recommend them. since taking "Recovery" my muscle's have been less fatigued, i recover much faster, and feel like a can double wod all week (which i don't.) with "Growth" i've been seeing gains in strength, and lean muscle mass. although i've been working on all my lifts, i've been able to PR a lot of my lifts (snatch 175, deadlift 400, jerk 230.) it's been helping me out since i still consider myself a "little" guy. before i'd walk around weighing 155#ish, and now i'm about 165#.
(approx. 100$ for both products)

Skins compression gear
i purchased my skins compression top early spring, and since implementing the use of it in my wod's i've also felt a difference in recovery time, and prevention of lactic acid build up. i usually feel fresh after a wearing it during a wod. is it hot? nope, has moisture wicking technology which keeps you dry during your wod, plus UPF 50+. looking forward to snagging me some bottoms some time soon.
(100$ for top, 115$ for bottoms)

Oly shoes
these benefit anyone in a huge way, during your deadlift, snatch, overhead squat, just to name a few. forced weight bearing heel calls for more stabilization throughout the ankles, knees, and core. love these things!
(115$ for rogue ones, 185$ for the pictured nike's)

Nike Free
plan on getting some of these for long distance running, they help promote forefoot running which is a must for POSE and crossfit running. and vibrams still weird me out. :\
and how could i forget...

Converse Chucks
these things are versatile, and make sense being anatomically close to our foot pattern. whether you decide to get some special ordered ones ;) or plain, grab a pair, they'll only set you back 40 bucks.

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