Thursday, September 30, 2010

Walking On Water

"Living on the outer limits of what is possible will freak out 98% of the population, including me. What if you and I were willing to live on the edge but not only on the edge, truly willing to take the leap to the unknown. Fear is the reason the mass majority are not willing to make the plunge.

-Jeremy Thiel

sometimes, you just gotta get off the boat to walk on water....

keep yourself in check, nutrition, journal, weights, times and reps.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pay Up!

i give props and respect where they're deserved, any real competitor, athlete, people who are humble and have paid their dues.

don't get me wrong, i got love for everyone, but props and respect are another thing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Student Athlete Of The Month

here's jp, and the rest of the wolfpack after a brutal wod.

"I welcome you to the community of people who have decided that EASY will no longer suffice"

and the second athlete of the month is much deserving jp, we also welcome him to the staff here at EFS training center. i've had the pleasure of knowing jp and being able to call him a friend over the span of about 4-5 years now. he's an all around great guy, and certified BEAST (have you seen him with his shirt off!? sorry ladies he's taken.) jp was a skeptic for a while but after enough nagging, from yours truly, i got him to try it out. he was hooked. i regret it, haha, just kidding but he's always on my heels if he's not beating me. i can't wait to see what's in store for jp. he's disciplined, shoots for full range of motion even when no one's looking. jp hasn't been with us long, but he's already gotten his muscle ups down, kipping pull ups, and a solid snatch.
i can't wait to see what's next for him.

JP's vitals:

Name: JP

Age: 23

Howl ong have I been Crossfitting at CFEP: for 4 months

Favorite lifts: deadlifts, Powerclean, Front squat

Least Favorite lifts: heavy thrusters, sumo deadlift high pulls.

Favorite Wod: Grace, Fran

Least Favorite: Eva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or any type of AMRAP over 30 min

Source of Motivation: would be my CFEP Family, I can go in knowing I better bring my A game, because someone is always Giving their best effort. And its amazing to see people who work 40+ hrs a week have a family, and so many other things to do. Come in and Tear up a Wod! Or just is in amazing shape. It is motivation to know everyone at CFEP are average people doing amazing things.

Some of my goals: I would like to become all around good at every area of crossfit, especially my weak points I want to eventually compete in the Crossfit games.

again, congrats JP and keep up the great work!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Goal

our body is a tool, and like any tool, form follows function. so have a function. train
for a purpose. make the hours matter. sacrifice. consequences will sharpen your attention.

work. work hard. work with people who will not accept anything less than your best. court
failure. find your limits and expand them. take the bitter pill of over reaching with the
knowledge that failure will teach you better than success ever will.

train yourself. take control. take responsibility. this is your life after all. how often
is “can’t” code for “never tried”. cut the bull-shit. make decisions. make moves. make it
matter. talk less, work more. work smart. what is stopping you?

it will hurt. you will survive. it will be inconvenient. you will survive. it will be
scary. you will survive. it will be hard. you will survive. keep at it, and you might
even live.

to live with a body, with a mind shaped by your own efforts. to be an individual, to know,
to own your victories and defeats. to be able to taste panic, to face doubts with a quiet
determination. to balance the world with the weight of our will.

that is our goal.

on another note:
i will take ownership for my poor nutrition these past two weeks.
i will take ownership for my lack of bodywight wods.
i will take ownership for my lack of sleep.

student athlete of the month will be posted by the end of the week! WHO IS IT?!