Friday, August 6, 2010

Student Athlete Of The Month

here's trisha in what i call "battle mode" from our last event here at Crossfit El Paso, Crosstown Showdow, in which her team took 4th overall!

-Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.

ladies and gentleman, let me introduce you to Trisha Hadden.
Trisha is a prime example of a coach's dream student, she's always willing to learn, has a great attitude, is able to take and seek advice, and work hard. oh, and she shows up early to class. she's a huge source of inspiration to all, throughout crossfit el paso, especially to myself. her progress in less than in a year is second to none much like her work ethic. here's little info on my first, but MUCH deserved "Student athlete of the month." Congratulations Trish, keep up the great work.

here are a few vitals on Trish.

Trisha Hadden


How long have you been crossfittting @ Crossfit El Paso:
Since October 2009

What are some of your favorite lifts?:
Push Press/Jerk; OHS; deadlifts; cleans and the snatch....not in any particluar order

Favorite wod, or type of wod?:
Any wod that leaves me drenched in my own sweat and glory. I love the powerfull feeling that rushes over myself when I overcome physical and mental battles by completing a wod.

Some of your least favorite lifts?:
I don't really have a least fav lift. I really enjoy all lifts cause I can always see an improvement from the last time. Whether it be form or weight, I continue to grow and improve in all areas of lifts. How can anyone not like improvement?

Geez have a great attitude, do you have any least favorite wod's or type of wod's?:
I can't really say I have a least fav wod but if I have to chose one that I have the least "fun" doing is any long distance running wod like a 5K or 10K. I enjoy sprinting even though I suck at it. Long distance running is a real challenge for me. But, I welcome the challenge.

What's your source of motivaion?:
My motivation comes within my heart and soul. Since I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I made a promise to myself to get my life in gear and to be best me possible. I did an overhaul on my life and completely changed my lifestyle. As I write about what drives me, I can’t help but smile. The insane intensity CF offers and brings to the table is unreal. CF is a mix between physical and mental capabilities. CF has taught me that anything is possible through hard dedicated work and commitment. There are no words that can describe the high I get from completing a WOD that I had no idea I could even think about perform. No words can describe the rush I get right before a WOD when Coach yells out, “3-2-1-GO!”. I thirst for greatness and CF has quenched that thirst. I have to say that besides self motivation the Coach and class/group I workout with have been a phenomenal source of motivation. I’m not sure I would have been able to make it as far as I have without them. One of favorite quotes is from GT himself, no idea where he obtained it from but when I read it, it began to flow through my body and soul like wildfire. These are the words I was searching for.
“Passion, Hunger, Desire to be the best possible, nothing more nothing less. This is my test.”

This can be implemented in CF and in my everyday life. It has done so for a while now. Thanks GT!

What are some of your goals in crossfit you'd like to conquer?:
To keep improving in CF and to keep improving in my personal life as well. I want to my heart to be as open and has loving as it can possibly be. Nonetheless, I want to finally get a ring dip without that darn band. I also want to improve in my running capabilities.

1 comment:

  1. Trish is very deserving of this honor. She's a great student to coach, and sure enough, she's made tremendous progress in her time at CrossFit El Paso!
